How do I know how many people are clicking on or finding my website?

You can simply contact our support team who will give you the relevant statistics either over the phone or via email.

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Can people who are searching for my phrases see my listings regardless of where they are located?

No, when searching for your phrases your potential customers must be located within your trading...

I access any emails that are sent via the contact us page of my new site?

All new websites are set up with email forwarding to the email address you given us at the point...

Tell me more about the automatic renewal of your services.

How does renewal work for my package? At Intelligent Web Solutions we operate an automatic...

Who are Intelligent Web Solutions or Get Found Online?

Get Found Online is a service offered by Intelligent Web Solutions Ltd who are a company...

Will my package automatically cancel at the end of the term which we have originally agreed?

No. If you do not tell us you want it to stop we will assume you are hapy for the service to roll...