How do I know how many people are clicking on or finding my website?

You can simply contact our support team who will give you the relevant statistics either over the phone or via email.

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Tell me more about the automatic renewal of your services.

How does renewal work for my package? At Intelligent Web Solutions we operate an automatic...

How long is the contract with you?

Your service will be provided on a monthly basis and will run for a minimum term as set out in...

Can i have whatever text I wish on my advert?

Text ads in Google AdWords must meet Google's length requirements and guidelines. What happens...

Can I add a phone number to my advert that appears on Google?

You cannot add a phone number to the actual ad description as this is no longer allowed however...

When will my site be live and how do I make changes to it?

Your new web site will be ready within 10 working days and you can make changes to your website...