If I decide not to renew my package at the end of my first term, do I get to keep the website and any domain names?

If you decide not to renew your service at the end of your initial term you simply have to pay a small hosting cost to keep your website live on the internet.

You cannot copy or move the website which we designed for you as it is designed and hosted using a specialist design package and is therefore non-transferable to 3rd party hosting providers.

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Olvassa el is

How do I know how many people are clicking on or finding my website?

You can simply contact our support team who will give you the relevant statistics either over the...

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If you are paying by monthly direct debit the following will appear on your statement,...

When will my new site be found on search engines?

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No, when searching for your phrases your potential customers must be located within your trading...

Can I change my listing that appears on Google?

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