What is Excessive Clicking?

Excessive clicking is where we feel people are clicking on your ads without genuine intentions in mind.

Due to the service we offer we often come across instances of customers getting high volumes of clicks in a very short space of time. (usually over the space of one or two minutes)

If this happens we will on occassions take your adverts down automatically for a period of up to 12 hours

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Will my package appear on mobile devices?

Yes, all promotion packages on Google are now submitted on all types of devices including...

When will my new site be found on search engines?

Customers who have opted to take the Google placement package will be found on Google within...

Can I have extra phrases or cover a bigger geographical location?

Yes you are always free to upgrade your services at any time. Lots of our customers upgrade their...

How do I know how many people are clicking on or finding my website?

You can simply contact our support team who will give you the relevant statistics either over the...

When will my site be live and how do I make changes to it?

Your new web site will be ready within 10 working days and you can make changes to your website...